Social Impact

At After Eats, we believe in the power of spreading joy and making a difference in the world we inhabit. As the artisans behind our luxury mouth freshener brand, we wanted to share some exciting news with you.

In the spirit of the enchanting tale that inspired After Eats, we have decided to embark on a noble journey. Starting from this moment forward, we are committed to supporting the cause of the underprivileged girl child in India. For every purchase you make, 5% of the sales will be dedicated to this meaningful cause.

In a world where opportunities should know no boundaries, we recognize that not all children have equal access to education, healthcare, and basic necessities. By joining forces with organisations working tirelessly to uplift and empower underprivileged girls, we hope to contribute to their bright futures.

Just as the queen in our story sought to make a difference, we too have chosen to embrace the responsibility of giving back. Your support allows us to extend our reach beyond crafting delightful experiences, and together, we can create tangible change in the lives of these young girls.

When you indulge in After Eats, not only do you experience the magic of our artisanal flavours, but you also become an agent of transformation. Your purchase becomes a small yet impactful step towards providing these girls with a chance to dream, to learn, and to flourish.

We invite you to join us on this inspiring journey, where every bite of After Eats becomes an act of kindness and a symbol of hope. Together, let us celebrate the magic within flavours while nurturing a brighter future for the underprivileged girl child in India.

On behalf of the entire After Eats family, we extend our deepest gratitude for your continued support. With your partnership, we can make a significant difference in the lives of these deserving girls, offering them a chance to shine brightly and fulfil their potential.

Thank you for being a part of this remarkable endeavour. May your own life be filled with joy, fulfilment, and the knowledge that you are making a difference, one delightful bite at a time.

With warmest regards,

The Artisans of After Eats